🏃🏻‍♂️ Chapter 1 : The journey begins…

<aside> 📌 From meeting on LinkedIn to becoming best friends, now co-founders of Fimpact!


Finding his role as Head of Finance at a Korean startup more challenging than working on Wall Street, Han decided to create a lightweight FP&A software for Korean startups. He cold-emailed Kelly on LinkedIn to recruit her as the CPO. At the end of their very first coffee chat, Han suddenly pitched his idea and asked Kelly to join. Fortunately, Kelly had also long been aware of this market problem, having previously worked at two other Korean startups. Convinced by Han's entrepreneurial spirit and their strong teamwork, Kelly joined Fimpact.

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Kelly and Han worked hard but also made sure to have fun. Building a startup from the ground up meant spending a lot of time together, so it was important to them to cultivate a great culture from day one.

Over the following year, Han and Kelly met nearly a hundred software engineers in search of their third co-founder. During this search, Han reached out again through LinkedIn and connected with Nicole, who is now the CTO for Fimpact. Initially, Nicole was intrigued by Fimpact’s team page, so she agreed to meet Han. At the end of their coffee chat, Han pitched his idea out of the blue again. Thankfully, after several meetings, Nicole felt she would have more fun building products with Han and Kelly than with any other team, so she decided to join Fimpact.


🚀 Chapter 2: Agile problem solving

1. Pre-Seed Round

After hearing Han's pitch and resonating with the idea, 13 angel investors decided to bet on the team, resulting in a successful pre-seed round. Our investors include: